Dr. Kim is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who focuses on the distribution of childhood onset neuropsychiatric disorders and disruptive behavioral problems, including autism and bullying. Her research examines the genetic and environmental risk factors of these conditions, as well as their interactions and psychosocial correlates. The core of Dr. Kim’s research is built on community outreach efforts for communities in need of services, provision of services and advocacy for children with psychiatric illnesses and their families, and public awareness campaigns. She is committed to demonstrating that delivering reliable, evidence-based knowledge and skills to communities can lead to reductions in stigma, changes in policy, and improvement in the lives of youth and families facing ASD and other conditions. Dr. Kim is currently Director of the STAR (Service, Training, Advocacy & Research) Center for ASD and NDDs, Director of the Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology Program, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at UCSF. Read more>>
Interests: genetic epidemiology, gene-environmental interaction, developmental psychopathology, autism spectrum disorders, tic disorders, ADHD, bullying, suicide, prevention, intervention, epidemiology, prevalence, incidence, environmental risk factors, perinatal complications, parental smoking, public health policy
1. Young Shin Kim, Kee Namkoong and Hoyoung Lee: The Agreement of Diagnoses between DCR-10 and DSM III-R. A Field Trial of DCR-10, 1990 Draft (2). Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 320-328, 1992.
2. Young Shin Kim and Kiyoung Lim: A Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment of Panic Disorder. The Effectiveness of the Treatment and Curative Factors. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 240-249, 1995.
3. Bumyong Lee, Sukkyun Chun, Manhong Lee, Young Shin Kim, and Soojin Yun: Vicissitude of the Therapeutic Community and Therapists' Counter-Transferential Reactions. The Young-In Psychiatry Bulletin Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 149-155, 1996.
4. Young Shin Kim and Bradley S. Peterson: Perinatal Risk Factors in the Pathogenesis of TS: Preliminary Findings of a Case-Control Study. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 750-755, 1997.
5. James F. Leckman, Helping Zhang, Amy Vitale, Fatima Lahnin, Kimberly Lynch, Colin Bondi, Young Shin Kim and Bradley S. Peterson: Course of Tic Severity in Tourette Syndrome: The First Two Decades. Pediatrics, Vol. 102, No. 1, pp. 14-19. 1998.
6. Young Shin Kim, Lawrence Scahill and James Leckman. Preliminary Findings of Guanfacine in Comorbid ADHD and Habit Disorder - Open Trial. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry, Association Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 908-919, 2000.
7. Saejoo Kim, Young Shin Kim, Sangwoo Yoo, Manhong Lee, Kyungho Yoo, Hyoil Ma and Byngchul Lee. Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in the Acute Stage of Stroke. Korean Journal of Stroke, Vol. 2, N0. 1, pp. 40-47, 2000.
8. Yoonju Koh, Young Shin Kim and Joosun Noh. Contribution of Behavioral Disturbance, Peer Acceptance and Friendship to the Self-Perceived Social Competence in Korean Elementary-School Children. The Korean Journal of Psychology: Development, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp 65-78, 2000.
9. Lawrence Scahill, Phillip Chappell, Young Shin Kim, Robert T Schultz, Lily Katsovich, Elizabeth Shepherd, Amy Arnsten, Donald Cohen and James Leckman. A Placebo-Controlled Study of Guanfacine in the Treatment of Children with Tic Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 158, pp1067-1074, 2001.
10. Sejoo Kim, Young Shin Kim, Nakkyoung Choi, Donghyang Seo, Byung-Chul Lee, and Manhong Lee. Suicidal Ideation of Patients in the Acute Stage of Stroke. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 243-252, 2001.
11. Sejoo Kim, Young Shin Kim and Sangwoo Yoo. Quality of Life in Patients with Panic Disorder. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 407-415, 2001.
12. Young Shin Kim, Yun-Joo Koh, Joosun Noh. Development of Korean-Peer Nomination Inventory (K-PNI) - An Inventory to Evaluate School Bullying. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 867-875, 2001.
13. Young Shin Kim+, Yun-Joo Koh, Joo Sun Noh, Min Sook Park, Suk Han Sohn, Dong Hang Suh, Se Joo Kim, and Sangeui Hong. School Bullying and Related Psychopathology in Elementary School Students. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 876-883, 2001.
14. Sun Jin Jung, Un Hai Rhee, Yun-Joo Koh, and Young Shin Kim. Peer Relationship as Risk and Protective Factors in the Behavior Problems of Elementary School Children. Korean Journal of Child Study, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 91-106, 2001.
15. Yu Kyoung So, Joo Sun Noh, Young Shin Kim, Sun Kyoo Koh, and Yun-Joo Koh. The Reliability and Validity of Korean Parent and Teacher ADHD Rating Scale. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 283-289, 2002.
16. Hyon Chul Kim, Se Joo Kim, Nak Kyung Choi, Young Shin Kim, Byung Chul Lee, Byung- Chul Lee, and Man Hong Lee. Quality of Life After Stroke: A Two-month Follow-up. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatry Association, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 681-692, 2002.
17. Sejoo Kim, Young Shin Kim, Nak Kyung Choi, Yun Young Lee, Byung-Chul Lee, and Manhong Lee. Quality of Life of Patients in Acute Stage of Stroke. Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp27-36, 2002.
18. Young Shin Kim, Yu Kyoung So, Joo Sun Noh, and Yun-Joo Koh. Normative Data on the Korean ADHD Rating Scales (K-ARS) for Parents and Teacher. Journal of Korean Neurospychiatry Association, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 352-359, 2003.
19. Eun Hee Park, Yu Kyoung So, Young Shin Kim+, Se Joo Kim, Nak Kyung Choi, Joo Sun Noh, and Yun-Joo Ko. The Reliability and Validity of Korean Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scale. Korean Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 183-196, 2003.
20. Young Shin Kim, Keun-Ah Cheon, Boong-Nyun Kim, Soon-Ah Chang, Hee- Jeong Yoo, Jae-won Kim, Soo-Churl Cho, Dong-Hyang Seo, Myeong-Ok Bae, Yu-Kyoung So, Joo-Sun Noh, Yun-Joo Koh, Keith McBurnett, and Bennett Leventhal. The Reliability and Validity of Kiddie- Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - Present and Lifetime Version - Korean Version (K-SADS-PL-K). Yonsei Medical Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 81-89, 2004.
21. Yun-Joo Koh, and Young Shin Kim+. Peer Acceptance and Reciprocal Friendship in Elementary-school Children with Attention-deficit and/or Hyperactivity. The Korean Journal of Developmental Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 1-21, 2004.
22. Jung Eun Song, Yun-Joo Koh, Eun Ha Lee, Jong Hyun Kim, Se Joo Kim, Nak Kyoung Choi, and Young Shin Kim. Maternal Depression and Anxiety and Ratings of Behavioral Problems of Child. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp711-717, 2003.
23. Young Shin Kim, Yun-Joo Koh, and Bennett Leventhal. Prevalence of School Bullying in Korean Middle School Students. Arch Pediatr and Adolesc Med, Vol. 158, No. 8, pp737-741, 2004.
24. Young Shin Kim, Yun-Joo Koh, and Bennett Leventhal. School Bullying and Suicidal Risk in Korean Middle School Students. Pediatrics, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp357-363, 2005.
25. Se Joo Kim, Young Shin Kim, Nak Kyung Choi, Hyun Joo Hong, Hong Shick Lee, and Chan Hyung Kim. Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism and Personality Traits in a Korean Population. Neuropsychobiology, Vol. 51, pp243-247, 2005.
26. Young Shin Kim, Bennett L. Leventhal, Soo-Jeong Kim, Boong-Nyun Kim, Keun-Ah Cheon, Hee-Jeong Yoo, Se-Joo, Kim, Judith Badner, and Edwin H. Cook. Family-based Association study of DAT1 and DRD4 Polymorphism in Korean Children with ADHD. Neurosci Lett, Vol. 390, No. 3, pp176-181, 2005.
27. Soo-Jeong Kim, Judith Badner, Keun-Ah Cheon, Boong-Nyun Kim, Hee-Jeong Yoo, Se-Joo Kim, Edwin Cook Jr., Bennett L. Leventhal, and Young Shin Kim+. Family-based Association Study of the Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphisms in Korean ADHD Trios. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, Vol. 139, No. 1, pp14-18, 2005.
28. Vitharon Boon-Yasidhi, Young Shin Kim, and Lawrence Scahill. An Open-label, Prospective Study of Guanfacinie in Children with ADHD and Tic Disorders. J Med Assoc Thai, Vol. 88, Suppl. 8, pp156-162, 2005.
29. James Leckman, and Young Shin Kim. A "Primary" Candidate Gene for OCD? Arch Gen Psychiatry, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp717-720, 2006.
30. Se Joo Kim, Young Shin Kim, Shin Young Kim, Hong Shick Lee, and Chan Hyung Kim. An Association Study of Catechol-O-methyltransferase and Monoamine Oxidase A Polymorphisms and Personality Traits in Korean. Neurosci Lett, Vol. 401, No. 1, pp154-158, 2006.
31. Se Joo Kim, Young Shin Kim, Hong Shick Lee, Shin Young Kim, and Chan Hyung Kim. An Interaction Between the Serotonin Transporter Promoter Region and Dopamine Transporter Polymorphisms Contributes to Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence Traits in Normal Healthy Subjects. J Neural Transm, Vol. 113, No. 7, pp877-886, 2006.
32. Young Shin Kim, Bennett L. Leventhal, Yun-Joo Koh, Alan Hubbard, and W. Thomas Boyce. School Bullying and Youth Violence: Causes or Consequences of Psychopathology? Arch Gen Psychiatry, Vol. 63, No. 9, pp1035-1041, 2006.
33. Young Shin Kim, Bennett L. Leventhal, Yun-Joo Koh, and W. Thomas Boyce. Bullying Increased Suicide Risk: Prospective Study of Korean Adolescents. Arch Suicide Res, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp15-30, 2009.
34. Young Shin Kim, W Thomas Boyce, Yun-Joo Koh, and Bennett L. Leventhal. Time Trends, Trajectories and Demographic Predictors of Bullying: A Prospective Study in Korean Adolescents. J Adolesc Health, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp360-367, 2009.
35. Hye Ji Min, Jeong-Ho Seok, Na Rei Hong, Duk-In Jon, Young Shin Kim, and Hyun Ju Hong. Depressive Symptoms and Parenting Behavior in Mothers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children in Community Sample. Journal of Korean Society for Depression and Bipolar Disorders, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 49-54, 2009.
36. Maria G. Motlagh, Liliya Katsovich, Nancy Thompson, Haiqun Lin, Young Shin Kim, Lawrence Scahill, Paul J. Lombroso, Robert A. King, Bradley S. Peterson, and James F. Leckman. Severe Psychosocial Stress and Heavy Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy: An Examination of the Pre- and Perinatal Risk Factors Associated with ADHD and Tourette Syndrome. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, Vol. 19, pp755-764, 2010.
37. Dong Hee Kim, Young Shin Kim, Yun-Joo Koh, and Bennett L. Leventhal. The Relationship between School Bullying and Perceived Parenting Practices of Adolescents. J. of Korean Soc. Of School Health, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp89-96, 2010.
38. Jungeun Song, Duk-In Jon, Jeong Ho Soek, Narei Hong, Young Shin Kim, and Hyun Ju Hong. Gender Differences of Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior Problems According to the Extracurricular Education. J Kor Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, Vol. 21: pp37-44, 2010.
39. Hyun Ju Hong, Young Shin Kim, Duk-In Jon, Jeong Ho Soek, Narie Hong, Jill M Harkavy- Friedman, Ann M. Miller and Lawrence L. Greenhill. Mental Health and Extracurricular Education in Korean First Graders. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 72: pp861-868, 2011.
40. Young Shin Kim, Bennett L. Leventhal, Yun-Joo Koh, Eric Fombonne, Eugene Laska, Eun-Chung Lim, Keun-Ah Cheon, Soo-Jeong Kim, Young-Key Kim, HyunkKyung Lee, Dong-Ho Song, and Roy Richard Grinker. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Total Population Sample. Am Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 168: pp904-912, 2011.
41. Keun-Ah Cheon, Young Shin Kim, Se-Hong Oh, Sung-Yeon Park, Hyo-Woon Yoon, John Herrington, Aarti Nair, Yun-Joo Koh, Dong-Pyo Jang, Young-Bo Kim, Bennett L. Leventhal, Zang-Hee Cho, Francisco X Castellanos, and Robert T Schultz. Involvement of the Anterior Thalamic Radiation in Boys with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. Brain Res, Vol. 1417, pp77-86, 2011.
42. Cheng-Fang Yen, Young Shin Kim, Tze-Chun Tang, Yu-Yu Wu and Chung-Ping Chen. Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Chinese Version of the School Bullying Experience Questionnaire. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 28(9), 500-505, 2012.
43. Hye Ji Min, Duk-In Jon, Myung Hun Jung, Narei Hong,Min A Song, Young Shin Kim,Jill M. Harkavy-Friedman,Hyoung-June Im, andHyun Ju Hong. Depression, Aggression and Suicidal Ideation in 1st Graders: A School Based Cross-sectional Study. Compr Psychiatry Vol. 53(8), 1145-1152, 2012.
44. W. Thomas Boyce, Jelena Obradovic, Nicole R. Bush, Juliet Stamperdahl, Young Shin Kim, and Nancy E. Adler. Social Stratification, Classroom 'Climate' and the Behavioral Adaptation of Kindergarten Children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 109(Suppl2), 17168-17173, 2012
45. Dong-Hee Kim, Young Shin Kim+, Yun-Joo Koh, and Bennett Leventhal. The Relationship between Behavior Problems and Parenting Practices in Korean Youth. Child: Care, Health and Development Vol. 39(2), 194-201, 2013.
46. Young Shin Kim. Autism and Specific Language Impairment: To Know What We See, or How Your Sample Determines What You Observe. American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 171(1), 5-8, 2013.
47. Young Shin Kim, Eric Fombonne, Yun-Joo Koh, Soo-Jeong Kim, Keun-Ah Choen, and Bennett Leventhal. A Comparison of DSM-IV PDD and DSM-5 ASD Prevalence in an Epidemiologic Sample. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, Vol. 53(5), 500-508, 2014
48. Young Shin Kim and Matthew W. State. Recent Challenges to the Psychiatric Diagnostic Nosology: A Focus on the Genetics and Genomics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Int J Epidemiol, 43 (2) 465-475, 2014
49. Andrea Dietrich, Thomas V. Fernandez, Robert A. King, Matthew W. State, Jay A. Tischfield, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Gary A. Heiman, the TIC Genetics Collaborative Group. The Tourette International Collaborative Genetics (TIC Genetics) study, finding the genes causing Tourette syndrome: objectives and methods. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry.
50. Young-Eun Jung, Bennett Leventhal, Young Shin Kim, Tae Won Park, Sheen-Hoo Lee, Myeongmi Lee, Seon Hee Park, Jong-Chul Yang, Young-Chul Chung, Sang-Keun Chung, and Jong-Il Park. Cyberbullying, Problematic Internet Use, and Psychopathologic Symptoms among Korean Youth. Yonsei Med J 55(3), 826-830, 2014
51. Ju Hee Park, Young Shin Kim, Yun-Joo Koh, Junegeun Song, Bennett Leventhal. A contrast of comorbid condition and adaptive function between children with Autism Spectrum Disorder from clinical and non-clinical populations. Res Autism Spectr Disord
52. Young Shin Kim and Bennett Leventhal. Genetic epidemiology and insights into interactive genetic and environmental effects in autism spectrum disorders. Biol Psychiatry